A Graph Coloring Reconfiguration Problem

heather russell
Heather Russell, Ph.D.



A reconfiguration system provides a convenient framework for studying the structure of the set of all solutions to a given problem. In this talk, we will explore one such system related to graph coloring. In particular, we will focus on recent work by our University of Richmond research group exploring connectivity properties of graph coloring reconfiguration systems. We will also demonstrate software the group has developed to aid in visualization and conjecture testing. No prior knowledge of graphs is necessary. We will begin with the definition of a graph and give lots of examples along the way! (This work is joint with Drs. Prateek Bhakta and Sara Krehbiel as well as UR graduates Rachel Morris, Aalok Sathe, Wesley Su, and Maxine Xin.)


Dr. Heather M. Russell is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Richmond. She received her Ph.D. in mathematics from The University of Iowa in 2009 and held post-doctoral positions at Louisiana State University and University of Southern California prior to coming to Richmond. Her research applies diagrammatic and combinatorial methods to problems in knot theory, representation theory, and graph theory. She is passionate about involving students in her research and building a more inclusive math community. Outside of mathematics, Dr. Russell enjoys exercise, travel, cooking, and spending time with her family.

Event contact: RAMS Conference organizers, ramsconf@vcu.edu