The Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Colloquium presents Radmila Sazdanovic, Ph.D., from N.C. State University.

Radmila Sazdanovic
Radmila Sazdanovic, Ph.D.

Date: Friday, Dec 2, 2022

Start time: 3:00 p.m.

End time: 4:00 p.m.

Location: Harris Hall 4169

Audience: General

Topological Data Analysis provides tools for discovering relevant features of data by analyzing the shape of a point cloud. In this context we develop tools for visualizing maps between high dimensional spaces with the goal of discovering relations between data sets with expected correlations. The main focus of this talk is knots and their invariants, but we will touch on other examples including applications to cancer genomics, game theory and materials science.

Colloquium Seminars are held on select Fridays throughout the year. These broad audience presentations are intended to introduce the VCU community to the world of mathematics. Colloquium presentations explore topics in mathematics, applied mathematics, math history and education, and the exciting connections between math, science, art and humanities. 

Sponsor(s): Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Event contact: Nicola Tarasca,